Ryltech monitors and detects problems in your database 24/7 and resolves all issues before they can cause functional failures of the system. Our services include:

24/7 monthly maintenance
Automatic monitoring and maintenance using AimBetter a pro-active real-time system that tracks all of the operating system server and database server metrics in real-time and alerts on any fault according to the user’s settings.

SQL code performance improvement
Performing CR on your system’s SQL code, testing performance and identifying bottlenecks, providing tried and tested recommendations for improving performance and applying these recommendations at your request.

Maximizing hardware capabilities for working with the Database Server
Examining the hardware against the system requirements and making recommendations for optimal usage with the SQL Server/ Oracle Database.

SQL code Development and improvement
Developing SQL-based applications and improving the SQL code of existing systems.

Database Architecture
Design and creation of database architectures and systems according to your specific requirements.

BI development using tools – SQL platform Reports – ETL processes – OLAP cubes
BI development using SSIS, SSAS and SSRS, creating ETL processes, OLAP cubes, Data warehouses, Datamarts and reports and performing integration of the various components.

Database Server Security and Hardening
Applying security measures using SQL Server/ Oracle Database security policy, firewalls, working with non-default ports, data encryption and SQL Server Hardening.

Planning, installation and Database Server Upgrades (MSSQL/Oracle)
SQL-based systems design, characterization, installations and upgrades including servers and systems integration.

DR solutions and Server synchronization using SQL
Writing and implementing DRP processes, building and maintenance of survival processes such as Mirroring and replications, using the synchronization between the Clusters and servers by SQL.

General examination of Database servers – including system alignment and hardening
General examination of MSSQL/Oracle servers, giving recommendations for improvement, optimization and hardening servers according to customer requirements.

Remote support and troubleshooting advising
Providing remote support and troubleshooting advising to all customers who use AimBetter.

CLR development and expansion of Database capabilities and access to external resources
CLR development according to the needs of the system, expanding capabilities and optimization to improve database performance, Set Program Access to external sources and construction of ETL interfaces between different systems.

Troubleshooting DB-based software systems
DB-based software systems fault detection and providing appropriate long-term solutions.

Representation in front of software houses
Professional representation of DBA experts in front of software houses.

Outsourcing of DBA services for large and small projects
Outsourcing DBA services for projects and companies of any size.

Data Warehouse Design and development
Characterization, planning, implementation, development and maintenance of DWH.

Creating maintenance plans of indices, backups, etc.
Creating maintenance plans essential for your databases, including backups on drive and / or tape, sorting and rebuilding indices as needed, deleting old files by definition, and so on.

Creating email alerts for Data based business processes and/or maintenance issues
Creating Email Alerts for data-based business processes and/or data maintenance issues using AimBetter, a proactive real-time monitoring system.